YouTube is a great platform to monetize content with ads and sponsorships from all over the internet. With this comes another way to make money online – by selling products through your videos. The most popular ones are probably Amazon or eBay affiliate programs. If you're already using other platforms like ClickBank or Shareasale to sell digital goods, there's no reason why you shouldn't try out these same methods on YouTube as well.
One thing that makes it difficult to sell Amazon products is that they require you to have a website where people can buy them directly. This means if you want to start making money off of YouTube, you need at least one site ready (or even two). You also need to keep track of those clicks so you can track which products are driving traffic to your site. And lastly, you'll have to deal with customer service issues since Amazon has its own brand team.
If you don't mind putting up with some extra work, then yes, you should definitely consider adding Amazon affiliate links onto your videos. Not only will this give you more ways to earn commissions, but it might help increase conversions too. In this article we'll cover everything you need to know about using YouTube for Amazon affiliate marketing.
Yes! There are several different types of affiliate links available depending on whether you want to promote something within the context of your video or outside of it. First, let's talk about inside-context affiliate links. These include things like embedding a link to Amazon into your description box or title. Or perhaps you'd rather put an affiliate link into your thumbnail image. You could even create a custom overlay for when someone watches your video. Here's what that looks like:
You can customize your link however you see fit. Just remember that you must provide a unique link per account and be sure not to duplicate it across multiple accounts. Also note that many services such as ShareAsale won't allow you to place their logo anywhere besides the top left corner because people may think it's sponsored content.
Outside-context affiliate links are very similar to standard affiliate links except that instead of directing viewers elsewhere upon clicking, they direct visitors back to your page after watching your video. For example, you could set up a special landing page that contains a simple form asking users to enter their email address. When they submit the information, you send them an e-mail containing a link to download whatever they purchased.
This type of link isn't ideal because it requires customers to leave your page first before going to purchase anything else. However, it does allow for better tracking than just having an embedded link. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to collect contact information and build rapport with potential clients. It's important to note that these links cannot contain any branding. They must remain completely anonymous and free of logos and company names.
While you can use both kinds of links throughout your entire video, you should avoid placing any sort of banner ad above your video. That's because banners are usually displayed during playback rather than viewing the whole video. So if you have the option between doing either, choose to go without the banner.
There are tons of tools to help you market your videos to drive targeted traffic to your site. One of the best is Google AdWords. This allows you to target specific keywords relevant to your niche audience. Once you've created campaigns, you can bid on each keyword individually. Then, you simply wait and watch as new leads fill out your forms and sign up for your offers.
Another good tool is Facebook Ads. Like Google AdWords, you can select specific audiences based on age, gender, location, interests, etc., and advertise your offer(s) accordingly. While you're here, take advantage of the targeting options offered by the social media giant and optimize your campaign.
Last but certainly not least, you should always look into creating high quality original content. Don't rely solely on paid advertising -- especially if you haven't built up a following yet. Instead, focus on producing valuable content that others would love to share. This will naturally lead to increased views and more followers who will eventually come across your ads.
For the sake of simplicity and consistency, stick to the same style and tone across your channels regardless of the medium used to reach your audience. Keep reading below to learn how to become an Amazon affiliate yourself.
Absolutely! As long as you meet the basic guidelines listed previously, you can easily make a living on YouTube by promoting brands and products. But don't forget that you still have to produce great content to draw people in. Otherwise, they'll move along quickly once they realize that you're trying to sell them something.
To begin, first decide what kind of content you're comfortable sharing with all of your subscribers. Are you willing to post funny clips, behind-the-scenes footage, music videos, educational guides, interviews, reviews, etc.? Whatever you feel confident enough to show to strangers, that's what you should aim for. Remember though, you never know who will end up being a subscriber, so always be mindful of what you say.
Next, find a few companies you really enjoy supporting. Maybe it's a food blog or a clothing store. Make sure you're familiar with their offerings and have a general idea of what they sell. Try to pick items that complement the theme of your channel. For instance, if you run a cooking blog, maybe you want to feature organic foods.
Once you've found a couple companies that match your criteria, search for the terms "Amazon" and "affiliate". Find some sellers and click on their links to read reviews and check prices. After you've done that, write down the name of every single item featured in the review. Take notes on price ranges, shipping costs, availability, etc. Then, visit your favorite retailer's website and compare the results against the list you made earlier.
The next step is to figure out which items you want to recommend to viewers. Start by looking at the number of times a particular product was mentioned in the reviews. Next, calculate the average rate of return for that item. Finally, determine which retailers have a low refund policy.
Now you can actually generate a spreadsheet listing all of the details you gathered together. Use this sheet to develop a ranking system based on factors like cost, reputation, popularity, ease of ordering, returns policies, etc. Your goal is to rank items according to how much profit you can expect to receive for recommending them. To do this, multiply the total amount you plan to charge by the percentage of profits you expect to retain.
After you've calculated your earnings, you can now proceed to setting up your Amazon affiliate link. Simply copy the URL of the product you wish to promote on your spreadsheet and paste it into your video description box or title. You can also insert it into your thumbnails.
That's pretty much it! Now you can sit back and relax while your fans continue to view your videos to discover more amazing deals.
So far, we've covered all of the basics surrounding getting started with affiliate marketing on YouTube. We've discussed the importance of creating compelling content, finding trustworthy vendors, establishing a pricing structure, and optimizing your efforts to attract viewers.
But what happens if you don't know anyone who sells on Amazon? How do you connect with other marketers to exchange ideas and resources? Fortunately, you can join an affiliate network like Shareasale or Clickbank. Both of these networks are designed to connect individuals who are interested in building relationships with businesses around the globe. By joining the community, you'll gain access to exclusive training materials, tips & tricks, and helpful articles relating to affiliate marketing.
Plus, members often participate in live chats with industry experts that answer questions related to running successful business ventures. All of this helps you grow your knowledge base and network, ultimately helping you succeed in your venture.
Take action today and dive into the exciting world of affiliate marketing on YouTube. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out in this field. Whether you're looking to boost your income or expand your clientele, becoming an Amazon affiliate is a fantastic way to jumpstart your career.
If you’ve been watching YouTube videos and have noticed some of them are selling a specific brand of headphones or even selling their own merchandise, then it's likely they're using a form of advertising called online affiliate marketing.
Online affiliate marketing is when someone promotes a certain company's product by linking back to that company's website from his/her YouTube channel (or other social media platform). In return, if viewers buy these items through your links, you'll earn commission fees. This is one way to make money with YouTube without having to create your own content.
While there isn't any official rulebook governing what kinds of companies you can advertise on YouTube, here we discuss whether you can sell Amazon products on YouTube as well as whether you can actually promote your own stuff.
Yes! You may already know this but just to reiterate, Amazon has its very own affiliate program which allows anyone to put up links promoting its goods and services. Many people choose to set up shop on Amazon Marketplace because it offers better commissions than ClickBank does. However, both platforms offer great opportunities for marketers looking to build a residual income.
You won't find many restrictions regarding the type of products you can sell on YouTube with either ClickBank or Amazon marketplace. There are no guidelines about what kind of products you can market through YouTube so long as the item meets the minimum price requirement ($10) and the seller provides good customer service.
There's also no limit on how many times you can sell a single product. For example, you could list a pair of shoes over 100 times in hopes of getting more views.
On top of all that, you don't necessarily need a storefront to participate in Amazon's affiliate program. If you've made a few dollars off of Amazon before, you probably already have an account set up. It will only take a couple minutes of registering to get started. Just click on "Create Your Account" at the bottom left corner of the page.
The best part is, once you've created your account, you can start adding different types of products to your cart. The most common ones include books, electronics, home decor, clothing, toys, kitchen supplies, beauty products, health supplements, vitamins, jewelry, games, and pet accessories.
When it comes to using Amazon products for your YouTube channels, there really aren't any limitations like the above-mentioned ones. As long as you meet the minimum requirements mentioned earlier, you should be able to use whatever you want. One important thing to note though is that since you're not allowed to feature physical products in your videos, you might consider creating separate accounts for each category of products you plan to sell.
This is especially true if you're planning on doing makeup tutorials where you would normally showcase a lot of beauty products. Remember that Amazon prohibits sellers from displaying physical objects in their videos. So you'd have to keep everything strictly digital. While there are third party tools that let you upload photos from mobile devices, they cost $20 per month.
As far as being an Amazon affiliate goes, you're completely free to sign up for the program anytime you wish. All you have to do is go to the main site, head to Products & Services, scroll down until you see the section labeled "Amazon Associates Program," and follow the instructions.
Once you register, you'll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. From there, you'll be required to fill out some forms detailing information such as name, address, phone number, credit card info, etc. Once you submit those details, you'll be ready to begin earning commissions. To learn more about setting up the program, check out How to Become an Amazon Associate.
To help you save time, you can purchase pre-filled forms from websites like ClickHere Sales. Simply enter your personal data and they will send you the necessary documents right away.
For example, below is a screenshot showing a completed registration form for the Amazon Associates Program. When you complete the process, you'll receive an email confirming your new status.
Another option is to simply download the Amazon Associates Application Form and fill it out yourself. After submitting the form, you'll receive another email letting you know that your application was approved.
From there, you can start shopping through your Amazon links. Once you reach a sale, you'll receive a notification via e-mail telling you how much commission you earned. Amazon pays between 4% - 8% depending on the total value of the transaction.
Similar to the previous question, there are no strict guidelines when it comes to whether or not you can promote your own products on YouTube. Again, the only restriction is that you must meet the minimum price threshold. But again, you don't have to worry too much about finding ways around this one unless you really hate making things look professional.
That said, there are plenty of places where you can display images of your products. You can place a picture of your products next to a text description explaining why you decided to share it. Or maybe you can show a short clip of the product in action. Whatever works best for you.
It doesn't hurt to try something different every now and then. Just remember to always stay authentic while still keeping your audience engaged. And hey, if you ever run out of ideas, feel free to ask us anything related to YouTube monetizing. We love helping others grow their businesses and we always welcome questions.
If you're interested in learning more about becoming an Amazon associate, visit our article titled “How to Get Started Selling on Amazon."
How do you get started as a YouTube creator selling products through amazon?
Affiliate marketing is one way that businesses find new customers and make money from their existing clients. In this case, there is no need for a business owner to market directly to consumers – instead, they sell items via third-party websites (usually Amazon) where people click buy now buttons and pay with credit cards.
This means that any time someone buys something from your website, you receive a commission payment which goes straight back to you. It also helps if you know how to create a video ad campaign so that you don't have to spend too much effort promoting your product in order to generate enough traffic to earn a few dollars per sale.
To ensure that your audience sees your ads, you'll want to set up an account on Google AdWords and work out what type of keywords will help bring potential buyers to your site when they search for related terms. For example, if you were selling dog food, you might choose "dog treats" as a keyword phrase because many people searching for these types of things would probably already know about dog foods. However, if you wanted to target people who had never heard of dog food before, you could try using more general words like “foods” or “pet care.” You may find that a combination of both approaches works best!
For many people who are new to making money online or just starting out with their first few videos, YouTube is a great place to start and it's where most people go when they're looking for ways to make money from home.
However, there's one thing that you may not know about YouTube -- if you want to monetize your content (make some extra cash), it might actually be more profitable than other platforms like Facebook or Instagram, thanks to its vast audience size.
If you've been thinking about getting involved as an affiliate marketer but aren't sure exactly what this means, here's everything you need to know -- including whether YouTube allows you to sell products through Amazon affiliate links.
In case you haven't heard yet, the Amazon affiliate program has grown incredibly popular over recent years, so much so that you'll find thousands of different brands now offering commission-free opportunities to earn commissions by promoting them on social media, websites, blogs, podcasts, etc.
As such, it makes sense to look at ways to integrate these promotions into your existing YouTube channels, which will give you even greater exposure while also helping you generate additional income.
The good news is that you don't have to worry about creating separate accounts, as you can simply embed your Amazon listings directly onto your YouTube pages using either the ClickBank Marketplace or ShareASale. You'll then receive credit for any purchases made through those links, meaning you won't lose any commission payments!
So let's take a closer look at each option below...
Since you can embed your Amazon affiliate link straight onto your own YouTube page, you could potentially share multiple links throughout the same video. Of course, the best way to ensure maximum conversions is to include your Amazon referral code within the description box of every single video.
You should aim to put your Amazon URL somewhere near the beginning of your video description, ideally right before the title tag, although it doesn't really matter too much -- the key is consistency. After all, people watching your video would probably rather see the offer once than miss it altogether!
There are plenty of tools available to help automate the process of inserting the appropriate Amazon link into your descriptions automatically, but we recommend doing things manually whenever possible since it gives you room for flexibility later down the line.
Here's how to insert your affiliate link into a YouTube video description step-by-step:
Step 1: Find your desired Amazon affiliate ID. To do this, head to your account settings on Amazon and click "My Associates" under the "Account Settings" tab. Then scroll down until you reach the section titled "Associates."
This is where you'll find unique IDs associated with your various affiliate programs. If you currently don't have any active Amazon associates set up, simply select the "Create New Associate Account" button to begin. Otherwise, you'll already have your associate ID listed here.
Once you locate your chosen ID, copy&paste it into Google search bar along with "embed" plus the relevant keyword phrase. For example, if your Amazon ID was 123456789012, paste this into Google: "123456789012 embed" [your keyword]. This returns results containing your affiliate link embedded within the text itself.
From there, you can simply cut and paste the resulting snippet back into your video description, ensuring it appears after the title tag.
Keep in mind that you can only display one affiliate link per video, so try to avoid repeating yourself across several videos unless absolutely necessary. However, it does depend on which tool you choose to install automation software via. Our recommendation is always to stick to manual methods wherever possible.
Both ClickBank and ShareASale provide easy-to-use integrations that enable you to add Amazon affiliate links to your YouTube channels without having to leave your preferred editing platform. The easiest method is to download the respective app and follow the instructions provided by both companies. Once downloaded, log into your ClickBank/ShareASale account and navigate to the "Integration Manager" section. Here, you'll find two options relating to adding Amazon affiliate links:
1) Add Amazon Link - Simply enter your Amazon ID into the input field and you'll be redirected to the correct integration partner website. On ClickBank's side, this takes you to the Clickbank marketplace where you can browse through hundreds of apps to find the perfect fit. Alternatively, on ShareASale's end, you'll land on the official ShareASale site. From there, you can select the specific application you'd like to use and complete the rest of the setup steps.
2) Create Custom Product Links - Instead of selecting an app from the above categories, you can instead upload your own list of custom URLs to be added to your videos. Uploading your own list ensures you retain full control over which Amazon items appear in your videos. Just note that you'll still need to register your Amazon ID beforehand if you wish to use this feature.
To do this, head to your Amazon Dashboard and click "Your Listings & Products" located underneath the "Products" menu item. Next, click the "+Add Item" button next to the "Customized Lists" heading. Select "Amazon Affiliates," followed by "Upload Your Own List". Paste your Amazon affiliate link(s) into the designated field and hit save. When done, return to ClickBank or ShareASale and repeat the entire procedure outlined above.
Yes, and in fact, you can easily embed Amazon affiliate links on almost any YouTube video. As mentioned earlier, it's important to keep your Amazon affiliate links consistent throughout your entire body of work for optimal conversion rates. That said, we highly recommend sticking to the same format for all of your Amazon promotion efforts regardless of which platform you decide to use. It makes life easier for you in the long run and helps maximize your earnings potential.
It's worth noting that Amazon affiliate links cannot be used alongside non-affiliate ads, so be careful not to accidentally break the rule. Also remember to check the terms and conditions of whichever service provider you opt to utilize before proceeding, especially regarding the length of time your ad must remain live prior to earning commissions.
Finally, bear in mind that while Amazon affiliate links are allowed on YouTube, you should never monetize your content with ads that contain calls to action encouraging viewers to purchase a particular brand or product. Doing so violates the company's policies and risks losing access to the lucrative Amazon affiliate program entirely.
While you technically don't need to sign up for anything special in order to obtain an Amazon affiliate link, there are certain prerequisites you'll need to fulfill before being approved. These vary depending on your geographical location and the type of business you operate.
For US businesses operating outside California, you'll need to pass a background check and pay taxes on all sales generated. In addition, you'll need to fill out a form detailing your personal information, contact details, employment history, and other pertinent data pertaining to your business.
All applications are handled individually so you shouldn't expect to hear back from Amazon immediately. It typically takes anywhere between three weeks and a month to grant approval for US applicants, whereas international requests usually require less time.
Just follow our battle-tested guidelines and rake in the profits.