Most people are interested in starting their own fitness or nutrition blog to share information about healthy living, but they don't know how to turn it into an actual career that generates enough revenue for them to quit their day jobs. If you're passionate about sharing knowledge of something as important as good eating habits or exercise routines, then there's no reason why you can't earn some extra cash on top of what you already spend each month on groceries, clothes etc...!
The trick is knowing which way to go when making money online -- affiliate marketing, blogging, app development, product creation, digital products/eBooks, membership sites, coaching services etc. -- so here we'll focus specifically on how to start earning profits from your health and fitness blog (or website) by creating physical products like ebooks, courses, workout DVDs, supplements, meal plans, and more.
We've broken down this process into four easy steps so anyone could get started even if they have little experience. You just need patience and persistence, two key traits successful bloggers possess.
1. Choose a niche market
A major advantage of being involved in such a lucrative industry is having access to so much free and useful info. One thing you should always keep in mind though is not to try to be everything to everyone. Instead, choose one area in particular that interests you most - whether it's weight loss, muscle building, diabetes management, heart disease prevention, pregnancy tips etc., and stick to that. There are plenty of other areas out there for those who enjoy variety!
2. Research your audience
Once you've decided on a topic, research related topics. Find out what questions people struggle with the most in relation to the subject matter. Then write articles around those problems with detailed answers. Don't worry too much about coming up with "cutting edge" new discoveries; instead concentrate on providing solutions. Your readers will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.
3. Pick a name for your brand
You want to come across as professional at all times, but many blogs use names like 'Healthy Eating Guide' or 'Yoga For Beginners'. If you plan to sell products through your site, avoid using generic names like 'Fitness Blog', because potential buyers may think you run a hobbyist blog rather than a serious business. A better idea would be to create a memorable domain name along the lines of []. That's easier to remember and type without mistaking it for someone else's URL.
4. Create value and attract visitors
Now comes the hard part. You must provide real value to your target audience while also attracting traffic (readers). To help explain further, let me give you an example of how I came up with my personal branding strategy for Health Living 101:
I was researching different types of exercises to include in my first eBook (which turned out to be very popular), when I discovered that a lot of people were struggling with getting rid of stubborn fat after trying every possible diet known to man. They'd tried fad diets, crash diets etc. yet nothing seemed to work. So I wrote an article titled '10 Tricks Women Should Know About Getting Rid Of Stubborn Fat After Trying Every Possible Diet Known To Man', published it on my blog, and included a link back to my ebook sales page. When they read the article, women seeking advice on losing weight found themselves drawn towards reading my book because its title resonated with them personally. This attracted lots of organic traffic, resulting in thousands of downloads within days. It worked simply because I had created a valuable resource on a specific problem relating to women. The result? My ebook became one of the best-selling titles on Amazon over the last year and continues to bring in regular orders. And since I'm running a lifestyle blog, Health Living 101 has become another source of passive residual income.
To sum things up, the secret lies in writing informative, helpful posts that address common issues facing your targeted audience. Make sure your content provides genuine value and doesn't sound like copy written by robots. Also, ensure your site is professionally designed, especially if you intend to add any graphics or videos. Once you've got momentum going, look for ways to increase conversions, such as adding social media buttons and email subscription forms to your pages.
So now you understand how to set up your website, build relationships with customers, promote your product in order to drive more traffic, and finally convert prospects into paying clients. All you need now is a clear goal and strong determination to succeed! Good luck and happy blogging!
Running a fitness program teaching others how to lose weight isn't easy. In fact, most coaches only hope their students will maintain their current bodyweight. But if you aim higher by offering high quality training programs and equipment, you can charge premium prices and teach people how to transform their bodies permanently.
Here are some solid methods for generating revenues from your fitness programs:
Sell individual workouts. Most people looking for fitness programs today go straight to the Internet and search for the latest trends, fancy gadgets, and celebrity endorsements. However, they often miss the simple truth: finding success in fitness requires following proven principles based on scientific studies. Therefore, it makes sense to offer step-by-step instruction manuals containing handpicked exercises tailored specifically to individuals' needs. By doing so, you can easily develop a loyal client base willing to pay handsomely for your expertise.
Offer group classes. If you live near your local community, consider holding weekly sessions open to both members of the public and club subscribers alike. Offer low rates for beginners and seniors, while charging slightly higher fees for advanced trainees. As word gets round about your excellent customer service, expect a steady flow of regulars eager to join your team.
Create packages. Offering multiple options allows you to maximize profit margins without compromising overall affordability. Consider combining several basic beginner lessons into a package deal aimed at boosting newcomers' confidence levels. On the other hand, take advantage of seasonal promotions and special offers to lure in long-term customers.
Rebrand existing programs. If you currently operate a gym, supplement store, or other similar enterprise, reposition yourself as a leader in the field. Present your offerings as revolutionary advancements in the field of wellness, thereby increasing demand for your services.
Create digital products. Today, almost anything goes when it comes to entertaining oneself via technology. Why stop at books, magazines, and CDs? Nowadays, you can publish entire websites filled with downloadable resources relevant to your business. Not only does this approach allow you to reach larger audiences, but it also lets you capitalize on recurring commissions by regularly updating your library with fresh material. Plus, once your digital catalog becomes sufficiently large, you might find it difficult to manage manually. Fortunately, platforms like Clickbank exist solely to facilitate commerce between publishers and merchants. Simply upload your digital product onto the network, and wait for payments to roll in.
If you're passionate about the subject matter of your site -- health or fitness in this case -- then it's not hard to see why people might want to pay for information on how they can improve their own lives.
But what if we told you that there are some pretty easy ways you could earn an extra income, even as part of a side hustle? You don't need any special skills, just time and effort.
So here are five different ways to use your passion for healthy living to turn into a real business (and all of them will be familiar to anyone who has ever read another article online).
The idea behind most sites is simple enough but finding out exactly how they go about doing so takes more research. Here's where things get tricky...
For starters, let's look at how a regular health/fitness blog makes its money. A lot of people have taken to using affiliate marketing as one way to bring visitors through the door and onto the sales page. This means recommending products and services which promise to help readers achieve certain goals, such as losing weight. The blogger gets paid when someone buys something after clicking through from his website.
This approach works well because it doesn't require much overhead, especially compared to other methods like AdSense ads. It also gives a wider range of advertisers access to reach potential customers, meaning better deals for both parties.
What about ecommerce stores though? They seem to offer greater opportunities for making money than affiliates since they charge fees directly instead of relying on commissions. But many still prefer to keep their audience informed by linking to relevant product reviews before getting too specific. After all, without giving details, no one would buy anything!
Websites offering a combination of articles and review pages tend to focus mainly on building up brand awareness rather than actual revenue. Some bloggers find success selling branded merchandise and others take advantage of affiliate programs offered by companies wanting exposure. There may also be advertising space available to fill.
And while it sounds counterintuitive, having lots of links pointing back towards your homepage is actually good news for SEO purposes. If you've got hundreds of thousands of backlinks coming from related keywords, search engines will rank you higher.
Finally, there are those lucky few who manage to strike gold by creating apps or software packages. While it's true that you'll probably need expertise in programming (or hiring someone) to pull off successful mobile app development projects, there are plenty of lucrative options out there once you know what you're looking for.
It comes down to choosing your niche carefully. Health and lifestyle topics lend themselves perfectly to digital solutions, whereas less popular areas are likely to need more creative thinking.
Some examples include medical devices, prescription drugs, nutrition supplements and beauty treatments. These are typically big businesses with established marketplaces, huge budgets and long-term contracts. To compete against them requires a significant amount of investment. For instance, Apple spent $1 billion developing AirPods last year alone.
You should avoid going head-to-head with tech giants unless you're willing to invest heavily yourself. Instead, think about partnering with smaller brands that aren't necessarily household names yet.
Health is often seen as a luxury commodity. So if you were starting a new blog today, would you choose to write about food, exercise or fashion? Most people wouldn't dream of tackling the latter two subjects -- perhaps due to lack of interest or knowledge.
However, millions of us love reading about clothes and accessories, makeup tips and diets anyway. And these types of posts can easily become profitable over time thanks to viral sharing mechanisms that exist across social media platforms.
There are several reasons why fashion and style blogs are particularly appealing to advertisers. Firstly, they appeal to everyone regardless of age or gender. Secondly, they usually attract loyal followings which mean high levels of engagement and interaction. Thirdly, they're easy to track via analytics tools. Finally, influencers like Kim Kardashian and Gigi Hadid regularly share images and videos promoting particular brands.
A great example of this was Vogue magazine, whose parent company recently sold to Conde Nast for $2 billion. In 2013, the publication generated almost $400 million in annual ad revenues. That equates to around $12 million per issue, which is nothing short of amazing considering print circulation only accounts for 2% of US households.
Vogue had been running magazines for nearly 100 years before being bought by a bigger player. By comparison, Fitbit launched in 2012 and now claims to have attracted 1 million subscribers worldwide.
Fitbit isn't known for having the best customer service, but it does boast impressive numbers nonetheless. Its latest quarterly report showed that it earned $50 million in 2017, up from $36.8 million during 2016. Not bad given it started trading in 2014.
While we're talking about wearable technology, remember Jawbone? Back in 2011, the company released a smartwatch called UP24 that cost upwards of $250. Since then the device hasn't done very well despite garnering praise from reviewers and celebrities alike.
One reason for this failure seems to be poor communication between the company and consumers regarding firmware updates. Users complained that vital features weren't working properly until months later, and the whole fiasco led to legal proceedings and a class action lawsuit.
In contrast, Fitbit has always shown commitment to improving its products and keeping users happy throughout the lifespan of each model.
With so many wearables already on sale, Jawbone's reputation took a serious knockback. However, Fitbit's popularity continues to grow steadily alongside its expanding line-up of gadgets.
As more individuals discover the benefits of wearing a tracker every day, expect to hear more stories like this one.
Another option that appeals to bloggers is adding sponsored posts to existing material. Although it's difficult to determine exact figures, the industry is thought to contribute billions of dollars annually.
Companies spend vast sums on PR campaigns designed to increase consumer loyalty. One recent campaign saw General Mills' Cheerios offering free samples of Honey Nut Cheerios cereal within newspaper classifieds. Another promoted Doritos Loco Munch flavor packets alongside movie trailers, car commercials and TV shows.
These initiatives sometimes work, but they're expensive. Sponsored posts appear under editorial branding in order to protect the integrity of original content. At least, that's the theory. We say "sometimes" because nobody knows for sure whether this really stops readership, especially among younger demographics.
On the plus side, many brands understand that their target audiences want to interact with advertisements -- even if it means scrolling past organic listings. Facebook offers an estimated 80 percent conversion rate for display ads placed next to trending hashtags. Twitter's Promoted Accounts program lets brands pay to promote tweets containing their hashtag.
Meanwhile, Google Ads allows marketers to promote posts on search engine results pages. As a result, it's worth experimenting with various ad formats to figure out which ones work best for your audience.
Funnily enough, Google itself is becoming increasingly aware of the problem. Last month, it announced changes aimed at reducing clickbait titles in search results, including labeling headlines that misleadingly imply a link will lead somewhere else.
Advertisers obviously place a premium on highly engaging content, but there's a fine balance between earning cash and alienating fans.
Of course, fitness enthusiasts are unlikely to feel comfortable endorsing brands. Fitness instructors, however, enjoy more freedom to advertise products and services.
Many trainers run studios and teach classes locally, but they can also join gym chains like Curves or Gold's Gym that operate franchises globally. Depending on location, franchisees must adhere to strict guidelines set by the parent company.
Similarly, personal coaches are able to endorse everything from vitamins to meal replacement shakes depending on location. With a bit of luck, they might even end up training clients for commercial shoots.
Personal trainers in general receive low hourly rates, although some places hire freelance staff on a project basis. According to Indeed UK jobs board, the average wage for a fitness instructor is £10.74 ($14) per hour. Personal coaching pays considerably more, averaging £16.35 ($21) per hour based on data collected by
That said, competition is fierce and demand remains strong. Many trainers struggle to find qualified candidates, and employers complain that there simply aren't enough experienced professionals. Demand outweighs supply, leaving some gyms unable to book appointments.
When it comes to virtual reality headsets, experts predict that the market won't expand beyond gamers and early adopters for quite some time. Meanwhile, the global pandemic has resulted in record increases in workout video consumption.
So if you'd previously written off your home fitness studio as a source of additional income, maybe give it one final chance. Just check out our list of the top VR games for beginners first.
Have you tried writing a blog about health or fitness? Would you consider incorporating it into a larger venture? Tell us below.
Health and fitness bloggers are some of the most successful people on the internet today. They earn enough to live comfortably while sharing their passion for healthy living. But how did they get started? And can you also create this kind of success yourself?
Well yes... if you have an idea that's unique and original! If you're looking at what other blogs are doing and then copying them will only lead to failure. You need something new - it could be a niche or audience segment that no one else has targeted yet. Or maybe there is already a big market ready for your product but not being marketed properly. Or perhaps you want more control over who sees your posts than social media offers. Whatever the case may be, it's time to think about monetizing your site. Here are some tips on how to start making money through blogging.
If you've got a personal experience to share (or know someone) who needs help with a specific condition, you might consider writing articles like '4 Steps To A Cure For Acne' or similar titles. People love reading stories where others overcame challenges – just look at all those books written by cancer survivors. It's easy to see why so many readers would pay $10 per month to access such information online. The same goes for any subject matter you find interesting. Once you become popular, you'll receive lots of emails asking for advice. Don't forget to send free reports when appropriate. This way, you can establish yourself as an expert before anyone pays attention.
But don't stop there. There are plenty of ways to make extra money with your blog or website. We've included several methods below, but first we should mention affiliate marketing because it works well for both beginners and experts alike. Basically, you promote products and services for which you receive commission once a sale occurs.
Here are five different ways to make money with your health and fitness blog.
1. Offer paid advertising options
There are tons of companies offering ad space on their websites. Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are two examples. By placing ads on your blog, you can offer advertisers the ability to display relevant advertisements based upon users’ interests. In exchange, you can receive compensation each time someone clicks on the advertisement. Some sites even allow small businesses to advertise directly, giving them greater visibility among potential customers.
These types of programs benefit those selling products and services since they provide another avenue to increase sales revenue. They typically charge higher fees than regular text links as well as requiring additional work for the advertiser. However, you can still use traditional banner ads without paying anything upfront. Just set up a campaign with Google AdSense or Yahoo Advertising, choose banners or image ads, and link them back to your own page.
2. Sell eBooks
One great option is creating your very own eBook. Most often, authors write their material specifically for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). With KDP you can upload your book for free and distribute it via various outlets including iTunes, Barnes&Noble, and Smashwords. Authors retain copyright to their ebooks, although you must give credit to the source.
When choosing topics for your ebook, keep in mind what your target audience wants to learn about. If you are knowledgeable about a certain topic, chances are many people will be interested in learning more. As long as you cover everything related to the subject matter, you shouldn't run into trouble finding buyers. While eBooks aren't always profitable, you won't lose much cash if you go down this route.
3. Create premium membership plans
You can sell memberships to your site instead of simply charging a flat fee every year. Premium memberships come with perks such as early access to events and exclusive discounts. These kinds of packages usually cost between $50-$100/month depending on whether they include coaching, training materials, etc., or require annual payment.
The key is to determine exactly what benefits your subscribers want and how best to deliver them. Be sure to price things competitively and explain your policies clearly. Also, remember to treat your subscribers right when promoting your subscriptions. Make sure your customers feel valued and appreciated.
An added perk of offering premium memberships is getting repeat business from satisfied clients. You can continue working together after they sign up. Plus, this gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with loyal followers, which makes future promotions easier to handle. Not everyone likes change, so make sure to stay consistent. Your subscription service doesn't necessarily have to focus solely around physical exercise. Many entrepreneurs have made a lot of money building web communities and providing personalized solutions.
4. Start a YouTube channel
YouTube is known for its massive number of videos uploaded daily. So, if you have expertise within a particular field, put it to use and start your own video series. You can post clips from recorded lectures, interviews, demonstrations, workouts, etc. Then tell viewers that they can subscribe to your channel to watch new episodes regularly.
As you gain popularity, you can add more features to your channel and introduce larger audiences. Use keywords that relate to your specialty so that search engines pick up your videos easily. Think about adding captions to your clips, too. Otherwise, you risk losing views due to poor audio quality.
5. Generate passive income with sponsorships
Another method of generating profits involves bringing in outside sources to sponsor your projects and efforts. This type of sponsorship requires negotiating terms prior to beginning discussions.
However, sponsorships can bring in substantial rewards. When done correctly, you can potentially attract high-profile investors willing to invest significant funds into your venture.
For instance, the author behind Fit Entrepreneur was able to raise millions of dollars using sponsored partnerships. He now receives large checks monthly from his sponsors. Of course, he had to demonstrate to his backers that he knew what he was doing beforehand. Sponsorships are ideal for those seeking quick returns on investments.
In addition to sponsorships, you can also reach out to local gyms, schools, manufacturers, retailers, and other organizations to secure deals. All of these partners can help you develop your brand and expand awareness of your offerings.
Now let's talk about how you can turn your health and fitness knowledge into a job.
Yes, you can make good money in fitness. How do I know? Because I used to be in your shoes. First off, don't expect to quit your day job tomorrow. Health and fitness careers take hard work and persistence. Secondly, decide what area of interest you'd enjoy studying the most. That said, here are three paths you can follow to achieve financial freedom as a health coach.
Become a Personal Trainer
Personal trainers are highly sought-after professionals across North America. As a result, starting rates vary widely. On average, however, experienced PAs can command salaries above $60k annually.
Work part-time until your business takes off
It took me over a decade to break into the profession. Why jump straight into running my company full-time? Instead, try setting aside 10% of your time to begin developing relationships with coaches and trainers in your city. After establishing rapport, ask if they'd be open to discussing possibilities for collaboration. If they say "no," move on to the next person. Eventually, word gets around and doors will open for you.
Start your own certification program
A lot of aspiring fitness pros have dreams of opening their own gym. Unfortunately, unless you plan on spending tens of thousands of dollars on equipment, facilities, signage, etc., this isn't realistic for most folks. What's left? Well, teaching classes and certifying students under your name.
This strategy allows you to teach people skills that translate seamlessly to real life situations. Even better, you can recruit instructors to join forces with you. Now imagine having hundreds of passionate individuals eager to learn under your guidance. Imagine the residual income streams you could tap into.
So far, we've discussed strategies for making money from home. Next, let's discuss how to transition into becoming a professional athlete.
Many athletes spend years honing their craft. They practice, study, travel, and endure countless hours in the weight room. Yet, they never seem to hit the jackpot. Is there hope for us mere mortals? Yes, there absolutely is. Keep reading to discover how you can pursue your dream of playing sports professionally.
I'm going to level with you -- I didn't excel in school. Did that hold me back? Absolutely not. Today, I am grateful to call myself fit. Fitness runs deep inside of me, and it fuels my energy throughout the week. Still, I didn't graduate college, nor was I ever recruited by professional teams. I worked a few odd jobs, played semi-pro ball, and tried my hand at freelancing. Along the way, though, I learned important lessons about entrepreneurship. My point? Anyone can succeed despite limited education, provided they apply themselves consistently.
What does it take to play pro sports professionally? Hard work definitely plays a major role. Athletes who were born rich and lucky rarely transform into world-class competitors. The ones who have been prepared for greatness prepare themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.
Just follow our battle-tested guidelines and rake in the profits.