I've been blogging since 2009 and have seen the ups and downs of running any website that gets some amount of traffic. It's not easy but it is possible to turn your hobby into a profitable business. The key ingredient you need is patience.
If you're new to this whole online marketing thing or are interested in starting your own blog as an alternative income source, there are several questions you should ask yourself before diving right in. What kind of content will be on my site? How often will I update? Do I want to focus on one niche topic or write about everything under the sun? Will I hire someone else to create content for me? These types of questions are important because they help determine whether or not your blog will succeed financially. If you don't know where to start, here are three common questions people who run blogs might have asked themselves at one time or another.
There are two ways to profit off of a blog -- affiliate sales (selling other peoples' products) or advertising (using banner ads). Both methods require traffic, which means more readers visiting your blog every day. But while both options work well, they each require different amounts of traffic.
For example, let's say you decide to use Amazon Associates to sell other peoples' products on your blog. This requires users to click through to Amazon's web store when viewing your product pages. If fewer than 5% of your potential customers visit those links, then you won't see very good conversion rates. On the flip side, if only 1-2 percent of your visitors clicks through to Amazon, you'll also probably struggle to find enough items to offer on your site without being overwhelmed by orders.
Affiliate programs like these typically pay per visitor or per item sold, so how long does it take to break even? The answer depends entirely on what type of blog platform you choose to build your website on. For instance, WordPress allows bloggers to place adverts inside their sidebar widgets using Google AdWords. So if you choose to advertise your blog via Google's network, you can expect to receive roughly 10 cents per unique viewer each month. In order to increase your payout, you'd likely need to grow your audience considerably. However, most advertisers would prefer paying more per "impression," so if you chose to display banners on your site instead, you could potentially charge up to six times more per visitor!
In addition to determining which form of advertisement works best for you, consider the following factors when deciding how quickly you plan to make money from your blog:
1. Your budget. You must first set realistic expectations regarding how fast you intend to generate income. Once you decide upon a monthly goal, stick to it!
2. Niche selection. Choosing a narrow subject matter offers better search engine optimization results. Also, narrowing down your niche helps keep things simple.
3. Content creation strategy. Are you planning to write all articles yourself or outsource them? Whichever route you ultimately choose, always remember that quality beats quantity. Writing high-quality posts isn't difficult once you learn a few tricks.
4. Regularly updating your blog. More frequent updates lead to higher rankings on various social media sites. As such, publishing regularly is essential for building a strong community around your blog.
5. Social sharing buttons. Adding Facebook Like, Twitter Follow, and Pinterest Pin icons to your post header increases its chances of going viral.
6. High-ranking keywords. Having targeted keyword phrases embedded within your article titles and tags drives organic traffic. Focus on finding relevant categories that match your niche topic and include related words within your title, tagline, and description.
7. Email list signup. A subscription box located near the end of your main navigation bar provides a convenient way for your visitors to opt-in to join your email newsletter. With your subscribers added to your mailing list, you can send emails promoting specials, promotions, or anything else you think may interest them.
8. Search engines. Using SEO techniques ensures your website appears prominently within search engine listings. Depending on your chosen theme, optimizing your home page is critical for helping others discover your content.
9. Site design. Choose a clean, modern look for your blog's homepage and ensure your images load properly on mobile devices. Avoid cluttering your webpage with too many advertisements, graphics, or text elements. Keep things streamlined for maximum effectiveness.
10. Traffic generation strategies. There are thousands of tactics available for driving free traffic to your blog. Whether you select paid services such as PPC advertising or utilize free tools like Reddit, Tumblr, and StumbleUpon, the bottom line remains the same: you must attract eyeballs!
11. Paid hosting plans. Hosting accounts come in all shapes and sizes. Some allow unlimited bandwidth, whereas others provide specific caps based on usage levels. Make sure you understand how much data storage space is allotted, along with how much disk space is reserved for temporary files.
12. Subscription based plugins. Plugins aren't necessary for everyday functionality, but having the ability to add extra features to your blog can greatly improve your experience. Try subscribing to premium themes and plugins that offer enhanced performance and stability.
13. Monetizing multiple streams of income. Running a successful blog means diversifying your sources of income beyond just relying solely on advertising. By creating additional small websites focused on topics unrelated to yours, you can eventually begin offering subscriptions to access certain areas of your larger site. This enables you to create passive incomes rather than rely exclusively on ad revenues.
14. Optimization. While testing new designs, functions, or changes, try setting aside part of your database to test those changes. Doing so lets you evaluate your website's efficiency without worrying about losing current data.
15. Backup files. Always back up your files whenever possible. When disaster strikes, having copies ready to upload to your server gives you peace of mind.
16. Rebranding. Consider rebranding your entire domain name. Sometimes merely changing your URL's suffix can significantly boost your ranking position on major search engines. Alternatively, you could change your logo or background image to something completely different.
17. Automation. Free platforms exist that enable you to schedule automatic actions to occur daily, weekly, or monthly. Such scripts save hours of manual labor and give you greater control over your blog's appearance. Additionally, automating processes improves overall productivity.
18. Affiliates. Select affiliates that promote similar interests to your target market. After all, why waste precious resources trying to compete against companies who already hold large subscriber bases? Instead, partner up with other businesses whose products complement your niche.
19. Pay-per-click campaigns. Setting up a pay-per-click campaign involves bidding on popular keyword terms and receiving funds whenever someone clicks on your link. Although this technique doesn't guarantee immediate success, it can prove effective when used properly.
20. Website maintenance. Maintaining your website includes ensuring it loads correctly, removing broken code, fixing errors, etc. Many people neglect basic upkeep tasks due to lack of knowledge.
21. Mobile responsiveness. Testing your website's usability across various browsers and operating systems has never been easier thanks to improved smartphone technology. Before launching your next project, check to see if your website looks correct on smartphones.
22. Domain registration renewal. Renewing your domain's registration fee annually saves you money on future purchases and keeps hackers away longer. Plus, renewals usually happen automatically during normal business hours.
23. Security certificates. Securing SSL certificates protects your personal information and credit card details from prying eyes. Most hosts now feature automated security certificate installation, making the process quick and painless.
24. Blogging software. WordPress powers millions of blogs worldwide. Its popularity makes it incredibly versatile and efficient. Other blogging software providers include Typepad, MoveableType, LiveJournal, Drupal, Joomla, MediaWiki, e107, miau!, Blosonix, and phpBB.
25. Web host provider. Hosting refers to renting physical computer space on servers maintained by companies called web hosts. They range in price from free to hundreds of dollars per month depending on size and service level preferences. Look for reliable hosts that offer 24/7 technical support and 99.99% uptime guarantees.
26. RSS feed. An XML file containing news headlines, known as an RSS feed, acts as a sort of summary of recent events occurring throughout your favorite websites. Readers subscribe to feeds so they can read updated stories at their convenience.
27. Pingomatic. Pingomatic is an app built specifically for pingbacks. Simply enter your desired URL(s), specify the frequency of your ping(s), and wait until your message reaches the intended recipient.
28. YouTube video embedding. Video embedding occurs when viewers view videos directly from your blog, rather than clicking through to external sites. To accomplish this feat, you need a YouTube account, a special HTML code snippet, and a plugin that converts your Wordpress blog post into an actual video.
29. Text links. Creating hyperlinks to specific locations on your website boosts reader engagement. Rather than linking individual paragraphs, however, consider using short sentences to draw attention to particular pages.
If you have been blogging recently (or are about to), there's one question that might keep coming up as your search engine rankings grow and the number of subscribers increases: How can I turn my site into something more like this big-name blogger or influencer with hundreds of thousands of monthly readers? You may be thinking "I want people to notice me!" but it turns out that when it comes down to making money off your website, not so much. It is true that getting lots of eyeballs on your content will help boost engagement -- which in turn gives you leverage to charge higher rates for advertising -- but how much traffic do you really need before you start seeing profits in your PayPal account?
In this post we'll discuss what determines whether or not a blog can generate enough income to support itself financially. The truth is, while high traffic will certainly give you an advantage over other sites, most bloggers probably won't ever find themselves in such dire financial straights that they need to consider shutting their doors forever. In fact, some of us have built successful businesses around our personal passions without worrying too much about turning them into full time jobs. So let's take a look at a few different ways to think about revenue generation and how best to use each strategy to its fullest potential.
So here's why having 1k+ monthly visits isn't always good enough...
Google has a strict policy regarding ad placement called Quality Score. This means that every page must adhere to certain guidelines set by the company in order to ensure that ads display properly. One of these requirements is that pages should only contain relevant text and links. If your entire site consists primarily of images and videos then it could fall under the banner of being "thin" and therefore ineligible for displaying sponsored posts. To see if your blog would qualify, check out this tool.
The problem is that most websites aren't built exclusively for driving traffic through SEO techniques - instead, our focus tends to be on building communities rather than simply capturing email addresses and selling things later. While great content definitely attracts attention, it doesn't necessarily translate directly into dollars unless you know exactly how much advertisers value your target audience. For example, someone who watches football games via streaming TV services might also read fantasy sports articles. On the surface it seems obvious that both types of viewers are interested in football, but what percentage of those viewing habits actually result in sales for advertisers? This information is available from third party sources like Quantcast and Nielsen Online.
One way to determine whether or not your niche qualifies for showing advertisements is to visit the Traffic Estimator offered by Google AdWords. Entering your keywords into the estimator tells you how many users worldwide fit within your demographics. You can select specific countries and languages as well. Once you've done this, click "Estimate" next to any keyword that shows up above 10 million results. Your estimated impressions count will show up below the estimate. Keep in mind that this measure is based on data collected during the previous month, so don't expect exact numbers until you've run the report once or twice.
As you can see, the vast majority of searches come back empty handed because none meet the criteria required to appear in the ad inventory. Even though I am writing specifically about US markets, this same pattern holds true all over the world. As a general rule of thumb, the lower the traffic estimates the better!
But wait, you say, surely there are exceptions where smaller audiences bring in larger revenues? Yes, but generally speaking, small niches just don't hold enough clout to command top dollar rates from advertisers. Not only are the chances slim, but also the competition is fierce. When companies bid against each other, they're looking for exclusive access to highly targeted customers, and if the demand outweighs supply then price goes down. And since no single blog can compete on equal footing with Fortune 500 brands, the prices paid to publishers tend to remain stubbornly stuck near the bottom end of the scale.
To put this another way, let's imagine two hypothetical authors writing books independently. Author A writes a book about baseball fans and sells 100 copies in his local area. He makes $10/book. Author B writes a similar book about cat lovers and sells 200 copies. She nets $20/copy. Which author would you bet your life savings on supporting?
It looks pretty bleak for Author A, right? But he still made double the amount of money! Why? Because although his total profit was half of Author B's, the cost of printing and distributing his book was far greater, meaning his return on investment (ROI) was significantly worse. Now compare him to Author C, who wrote a novel about space aliens and sold 300 copies. His net profit after expenses was nearly five times greater than either of the first two authors combined. That's because the cost of producing and shipping his title was minimal compared to his competitors' efforts. Obviously, the key takeaway is to understand the relative size of your market segment compared to others in the same category. Don't try to tackle everything yourself if you can't afford to invest the resources necessary to succeed. Focus your limited energy on maximizing returns in areas where your unique expertise matters most.
That said, sometimes smaller niches DO offer opportunities to make decent cash flow. For instance, if you have experience teaching classes in a particular subject matter then you should absolutely pursue teaching gigs in addition to running your own online business. After all, most teachers already possess specialized knowledge in a given field that others lack. However, as mentioned earlier, unless your topic happens to be popular among buyers, you shouldn't rely solely upon teaching as your sole source of income.
And now we arrive at one of the biggest misconceptions held by newbie entrepreneurs: Does your product or service require a large initial purchase? Can you sell subscriptions or memberships? Or maybe you plan to eventually go public with your venture? Whatever the case, if your answer is yes then you're likely relying on short term gains rather than long term success. Think carefully about whether you'd prefer to build a loyal following over cashing in quickly. Most businesses fail because the founder gets impatient and tries to force changes onto the team rather than letting it evolve naturally.
Ultimately, determining whether or not your blog can generate sufficient funds depends largely on how closely related your specialty is to a consumer interest. In terms of marketing budgets, most advertisers allocate a fixed sum towards various media channels that they believe produces maximum ROIs. Since your goal is to maximize exposure for your brand, your real challenge lies in proving to marketers that your demographic represents a worthwhile investment. Consider submitting your article to EzineArticles to increase awareness of your work - the more eyes you collect, the stronger your chance at generating publicity elsewhere.
Here's how much AdSense pays per 1000 clicks
According to Google, the average payout per referral ranges between $0.05-$2 depending on your country. Of course, the bulk of referrals happen in North America and Western Europe due to the huge populations living in those regions. What kind of volume of web traffic can you reasonably expect to receive before you're able to begin charging clients for your services? Here's a breakdown of typical conversion ratios across several industries.
For reference, we chose a conservative figure of $1.00/visitor assuming a 50% margin split and a 15% discount rate. Keep in mind that this calculation assumes nothing else besides the visitor converting into a customer. If you assume that 20% of visitors become paying subscribers, you can easily raise the conversion ratio to 2x or 3x the listed values.
$15 = 10000 Visitors x 0.5 Conversion Rate = 5000 Subscribers
$30 = 25000 Visits x 0.8 Conversion Ratio = 4000 New Customers
$50 = 12500 Unique Visitors x 0.9 Conversion Ratio = 3625 OptIns
We hope this helps clear up a lot of confusion surrounding the relationship between quality score and actual earnings. Remember that you aren't competing against Fortune 500 companies, so don't feel pressured into trying to hit arbitrary benchmarks. Instead, concentrate on building relationships with your followers and providing valuable content that keeps them engaged. Over time, this process will gradually lead to monetization without needing to worry about conversions or quotas. Good luck!
Most experts agree that there is little difference between running a traditional brick & mortar store and operating a profitable ecommerce store. The main thing separating the two is the ability to convert prospects into paying customers using automated systems. Regardless of your industry, setting up shop in front of consumers requires ample capital. There's no magic wand that allows anyone to open a storefront overnight without major financing or strategic partnerships.
What if there were a simple way to create passive streams of income without needing to spend months or years planning ahead? Well, if you're reading this post then you probably already know the secret: monetizing a blog. Blogging provides a level playing field for entrepreneurs unlike anything afforded by the corporate sector. All you need is a passion for sharing interesting topics and solid writing skills to convey your message effectively. Best of all, you can write and publish fresh material whenever you wish without dealing with editors or gatekeepers. Simply upload your latest thoughts to platforms like WordPress or Tumblr and watch your stats soar.
If you are struggling with making money online by blogging or starting your own website and want some tips on how to monetise it then this article is just what you have been looking for.
In this article we will discuss the following questions that many people ask when they start out in internet marketing...
Do blogs get monetised?
How do you monetize a blog?
How do I start a blog monetisation?
How much do monetized blogs make?
Do blogs get monetized?
Yes! Most of them do! But not all blogs can be turned into profit machines overnight. The question is "how?"
The answer lies in building an audience interested in reading your content, which leads to increased engagement and eventually monetisation activities like paid advertising etc.
For most bloggers today, their main focus is creating quality content and driving more interest towards their websites so as to increase the number of potential customers who might buy products/services offered through affiliate programs.
Many popular sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, SoundCloud, Google+, Medium, WordPress, E-commerce stores and others rely heavily on user generated content (UGC) - meaning users upload images, videos, text posts, links etc.
When it comes to generating passive income via these platforms, there are two ways to go about it. You may either choose to create original content yourself to ensure higher visibility among your target audiences, thus increasing organic reach and subsequently, conversions. Or alternatively, you could also leverage other peoples' efforts by publishing guest articles on related topics, thereby allowing writers to generate additional income streams while contributing to overall growth of the site at large.
As already mentioned above, you should always strive to provide high-quality content that keeps readers engaged. This ensures greater chances of conversion and ultimately, more profits.
There are several options available to help you turn your blog into a profitable business venture, however only one of those methods involves using adverts alongside your post titles.
This method is called "post ads". Posting ads onto your blog would involve placing relevant advert banners near each individual post's title area. These banner spaces can easily be integrated within the design of your theme and does not require any technical expertise whatsoever.
One way to implement this strategy is by adding small html codes inside the coding of your blog page template. Thereafter, whenever someone clicks on the link provided by the advertisement company, they would land on the advertiser's website where the applicable product or service would be displayed.
Another option is to use pre-roll video ads. Pre-roll means playing the video before anyone has clicked on its respective link. However, because you are paying per impression rather than per click, you'll see fewer advertisers bidding against each other, resulting in lower costs incurred.
You will also receive full control over the placement of said advertisements. For instance, you don't necessarily need to place your ad right beneath the post's headline but instead anywhere else on the screen. Furthermore, once again, you won't have to worry about losing viewers due to lengthy loading times caused by slow Internet connection speeds. All you have to do is set up auto play mode.
Pre-rolls work best when used along side native advertising techniques like image ads, social media integration and sponsored tweets. They also serve as a good alternative to traditional forms of display ads since they're cheaper and easier to execute.
Nowadays, companies frequently incorporate third party services for managing their entire operation including AdWords management, landing pages creation, social media integrations, email campaigns, mobile apps development and more.
These types of tools are typically very affordable and easy to manage. As a result, marketers now prefer this kind of solution over hiring dedicated employees.
Another form of monetizing your blog is through selling eBooks. If you possess unique knowledge and experience pertaining to certain niche areas, why not put pen to paper and write down whatever you know about it.
With proper planning, execution and promotion, you too can successfully establish an effective ebook distribution platform.
To begin with, outline the contents of your book and compile useful information resources that will enhance the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Then convert this valuable data into an eBook format.
Next, develop attractive cover designs and add enticing descriptions to maximize sales. Also include special discount offers and limited time promotions to encourage buyers to purchase your books.
Finally, promote your new release by distributing free copies online and offline. In addition to promoting your eBooks, you can also consider offering premium versions at discounted prices to attract loyal followers.
Once your ebooks gain traction, you can even offer monthly subscription plans to allow your clients access to exclusive updates.
It takes time, effort and persistence to build sustainable success online. With the help of various strategies, you can expect to achieve positive results sooner rather than later.
However, while there are multiple ways to monetize your blog, there are no short cuts to achieving long term financial stability. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication.
Therefore, it is important to understand exactly what steps you must take to become successful in terms of blog monetization. To succeed in any field, especially something as complex as running a blog, you first need to master core fundamentals.
While it may seem difficult to carry out all tasks required to run a blog, doing things manually is inefficient compared to automated software solutions.
Most importantly, never fall victim to common mistakes made by novice bloggers. Avoid being lured into buying cheap domain names and hosting packages that promise big returns, without giving anything back.
Instead, invest your funds wisely and find reliable web hosts that are able to handle peak periods without going broke. And finally, be sure to allocate adequate amounts of cash into SEO, PPC and Social Media Marketing expenses.
After setting up your blog, spend some time learning everything there is to know about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Once you've established a solid foundation, you will soon discover that search engines love indexing fresh and interesting content. Therefore, providing engaging material consistently attracts targeted users.
Social Media Marketing plays a vital role in boosting credibility and popularity of any website. Apart from directing traffic towards your website, SMM helps you drive awareness amongst your target market about your brand as well as improve customer loyalty.
Moreover, it allows you to connect directly with prospective consumers and encourages collaboration between parties involved. Ultimately, attracting millions of likes, comments and shares increases exposure, therefore leading to higher revenues.
Lastly, pay attention to your analytics and monitor trends closely. By keeping tabs on your statistics, you can identify patterns and weaknesses early on. From here, you can adjust accordingly to avoid future pitfalls.
Remember, patience is key! While you might have created a great product and gained thousands of fans, success doesn't happen overnight. So keep working on your craft and stay focused on delivering consistent value to your consumer base. After all, they are the ones who decide whether your blog gets monetized or not.
Just follow our battle-tested guidelines and rake in the profits.