With so many options available on where to get started with an internet presence - including web hosting plans from all different companies (including those that offer "free" websites) -- it's easy to become overwhelmed by choices. While there are plenty of things to consider when choosing which company to host your website with, one thing you should never do is pick just any old provider for your website. There are some very important factors to look at before deciding where to host your website. Let's take a closer look at what these factors include.
Before we begin, remember this isn't the only factor to be considered when selecting a provider. In fact, if you're starting out with no budget, then most likely none of these tips will apply either! But as your business grows, especially if you want to expand into international markets, they'll help you save time and money over the long run.
So without further ado, here are ten essential points to keep in mind while making your decision about where to host your website.
1. What are the costs involved with creating my website?
You need to know exactly what each option entails before you even think about signing up for anything. This includes not only the initial setup fee but also ongoing monthly fees. For example, a domain name registration plan might include a yearly payment, whereas another service may charge per month. Before committing yourself to a particular solution, find out what everything actually costs. The best place to start is always with the website itself. As soon as you have something set up, check around to see whether other providers may offer similar features for less than the original price tag. If so, go ahead and sign up. Otherwise, move on to step two.
2. How much does it cost me to maintain my website?
This question doesn't necessarily refer to the upkeep of the actual site itself. Instead, ask yourself how often changes will be made to the content displayed on your site. Do you expect to update frequently? Or perhaps add new pages every few months? Maybe you'd like to change the colour scheme once a year? These types of decisions affect how much maintenance work needs to be done. And although you shouldn't base your entire choice on this point alone, being aware of potential future expenses will help you decide which hosting package is right for you. It could mean the difference between going with a cheap option and paying too high a price later down the line.
3. Will I receive support if needed?
Most people don't realize that having their own website means they now own the responsibility of maintaining it themselves. Even though you may hire someone else to perform certain tasks for you, that person won't be able to answer questions regarding technical issues such as server problems or account security breaches. You need to know who you can contact in case of emergencies, and whether you can count on them to be responsive to your requests.
4. Can I use my existing domain name?
Your website's primary URL address is known as its 'domain'. Most commonly used domains end in.com,.net,.org or.info. However, there are millions upon millions of other names that aren't taken yet. So if you already own a good domain name that matches your brand, then why bother changing it? Just because your competitor has bought the same exact name doesn't mean you can't still claim yours. After all, in terms of search engine rankings, domain names matter far more than keywords.
5. Where can I purchase my domain name?
Many hosts sell their own custom-built domains through their platform. They usually come with a variety of additional benefits, such as email accounts and autoresponders. Some of the biggest names in the industry, like Namecheap and HostGator, provide an extensive list of services and tools that allow you to manage both your website and ecommerce store. You can also buy domain names directly from registries like Verisign or Network Solutions. Each registry offers slightly different services, so shop around until you find what works best for you.
6. Is my data safe? Does the company encrypt my information?
Some of the largest businesses in the world rely heavily on their customer databases. With sensitive information stored on servers across the globe, keeping customers' personal details secure is crucial. Companies must comply with strict privacy laws and regulations worldwide, and ensure the safety of their users' financial transactions. Many hosting platforms promise complete protection against hackers and identity theft. Others require you to install software to protect your data. Look closely at the level of encryption offered by the company you choose. Be sure to understand how private your data will remain after uploading files onto the server.
7. Which countries am I allowed to access my website from?
It sounds obvious, but you really ought to know this one. A lot of people assume that simply because their website is accessible via the Internet, it will automatically be viewable everywhere. That's true in theory, but not in practice. To determine which countries your visitors can enter, visit Google Analytics. Then click on Web Performance under the Tools tab. Clicking on Accessibility shows you which regions your site is currently visible in. A simple way to tell if you've hit the jackpot would be to type in your country code, followed by ".co.uk", ".de", etc.. This tells you whether your site is actually visible in those areas. If you don't see the location listed, try clicking on Advanced Settings instead. Here you can select specific languages and geographies in order to tailor your audience.
8. Are there multiple locations within my region that I'm restricted to?
Even if you live close enough to travel to your preferred destination, chances are your website won't be reachable outside of your local area. For instance, the US has numerous states and cities separated by vast distances. In addition to regional restrictions, there are also national ones. When setting up your website, ensure that your chosen hosting provider allows you to upload your site anywhere in the world. Make sure you read the fine print beforehand.
9. Who owns my website?
In the early 2000s, the term "SEO" was coined to describe the process of optimizing sites to improve their visibility in search engines. Because SEO relies on algorithms to rank results, you might hear marketers talk about "Google ranking". Basically, the higher your page ranks, the better your chance of appearing near the top of search results. Websites owned by large corporations typically enjoy greater levels of exposure in comparison to smaller independent ventures.
10. What kind of control do I have over my website?
There are several ways to customize your website beyond simply picking colours and fonts. Take advantage of plugins and widgets to give your site extra functionality. Plugins let you integrate third party applications and programs, while widgets are interactive HTML elements that add interactivity to your site. Both are useful additions that can significantly boost your website's popularity and traffic.
While there are certainly many other factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider, these ten tips will hopefully help you narrow your selection quickly and easily. Keep in mind that the above suggestions are based solely on our experience working with hundreds of clients. We hope that you'll find them helpful, and feel free to share your thoughts below.
A website is not just an essential part of modern marketing strategy but also one that has become increasingly important as businesses look to drive customers through their websites instead of relying on traditional advertising channels like print ads and TV commercials. In fact, according to Statista, over half (53 percent) of all U.S. consumers now use search engines when researching products before making purchases, while only 9 percent of consumers go directly to a company's website. However, even if you've already got a successful website up and running, there may be areas where it could still be improved upon. Here we'll explore some ways you can improve your existing website so that it's better able to help your business stand out from its competitors.
When most people think about creating a website they tend to imagine themselves sitting at home hunched over a computer screen, staring blankly into space until inspiration strikes and suddenly they have the perfect idea for their next big project. While this approach certainly works, it doesn't always produce the best results. If you're serious about building the kind of website that will attract visitors who want to learn more about what you sell, then it's worth taking time to consider whether hiring someone to take care of the technical side of things might actually be the right solution for you. After all, it would probably cost less than buying a domain name and hosting services yourself.
There are plenty of professional web designers around these days, many of whom offer affordable packages that include everything you need to start building your own website - including templates, content management systems such as WordPress, eCommerce platforms like Shopify, and email accounts. The problem is finding them! There are dozens of companies offering similar services across multiple categories, which makes choosing between them pretty difficult. Fortunately though, there are several resources available that can help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
The first place that comes to mind is Google itself. You don't really need much convincing to give Google a try - after all, it's practically synonymous with the internet these days. Just type "web designer" or "website development company" into the search bar and see what pops up. With millions of relevant results appearing instantly, you should soon find something that seems interesting enough to click through to read further.
Another good resource that can point you toward potential web developers is Facebook. You might notice that many of the top-rated pages listed under "Web Designers" belong to friends of yours that you know personally. This is because Facebook allows users to endorse any page by clicking the star icon beneath each post, rating it from 1 to 5 stars. When you view these endorsements, you can see exactly why other people liked a particular page, providing useful insights into the quality of work produced by different web developers.
One final option that you might want to check out is LinkedIn. As well as being used by job seekers to showcase their skills and experience, this network is frequently used by employers to connect with qualified candidates. By searching for "web developer", you can quickly discover profiles belonging to professionals working in various fields within the industry. These profiles often contain information about previous projects completed or testimonials provided by satisfied clients. Even if you aren't actively seeking employment, keeping tabs on the latest developments in the field can help keep you abreast of trends and ideas that might prove beneficial to your future endeavors.
Once you've found a suitable web designer, it's advisable to sign a contract outlining the terms of payment and responsibilities, as well as agreeing on deadlines and deliverables. It's also wise to ask for references and proof of past achievements so that you can feel confident when handing over money upfront. One way of doing this is by asking your prospective web developer to send copies of examples of their work. If possible, request that they provide samples of their work using both HTML5 and CSS3 coding standards. That way you can ensure that the code generated is valid and won't cause problems down the line.
You've decided that you'd rather leave the technical aspects of building your website to experts. But once you've made this decision, you're faced with another question - what's going to happen next? What happens when you order your custom template from your chosen web designer? Do you simply wait for instructions on how to set up your account? Or do you have to pay extra for guidance?
In short, no two websites created by different web designers are ever going to look identical. And since everyone uses slightly different approaches to designing sites, it can sometimes seem daunting trying to figure out how to put together a functional website without having anyone else guiding you along the way. Thankfully, there are plenty of great tools available today that simplify the process of starting a website.
For example, Wix provides a straightforward interface that lets you drag and drop elements onto the screen to add features to your website. All you need to do is enter your desired URL address and select the theme style that suits you best. Next, choose from thousands of preloaded designs, images, videos, fonts, colors, and icons that can easily be arranged in accordance with your aesthetic preferences. Once you're happy with the layout, you can preview how it looks live on your browser window before committing to paying for your new website.
Wix isn't alone in offering easy-to-use interfaces designed specifically for beginners. For instance, Squarespace offers a simple dashboard that lets you customize every aspect of your website from the very beginning. You can upload photos, pick a color scheme, and change text formatting options before confirming the changes and pressing save. Then you're taken straight back to the front-end editing area where you can continue tweaking your website however you wish.
Shopify is arguably the easiest platform to use for those who prefer to handle the technical details of setting up their website themselves. Users don't need to register or purchase anything in advance, and instead begin by uploading a photo and entering their preferred store title. They're then presented with a series of boxes containing hundreds of readymade themes and styles that come complete with customizable layouts. Everything required to launch a functioning storefront is included in the box, meaning there's nothing left to install apart from the shopping cart software.
As long as you follow the official guides supplied by Shopify, there shouldn't be too many obstacles preventing you from launching your new website successfully. To speed up the process even further, you might want to invest in a premium plan that includes additional benefits such as unlimited monthly traffic, enhanced security features, 24/7 support, and personalized training sessions.
It can be tempting to dive headfirst into the world of web design and forget about your main reason for wanting to create a website in the first place. Perhaps you believe that a website is simply unnecessary when your target market is primarily local, or maybe you're concerned about wasting valuable resources on something that will likely fail to attract attention anyway. Whatever your reasons, remember that a poorly optimized website is far worse than none at all. A badly crafted website that nobody sees is useless, whereas a perfectly executed site that does the job requires little maintenance and generates revenue almost immediately. So, unless you have a specific focus on attracting international audiences, investing in a high quality website might be worthwhile regardless of your budget.
The ideal scenario is to hire a web designer who understands SEO best practices and puts these principles into practice throughout the entire process. Unfortunately, there are few web masters capable of delivering precisely this level of service, especially considering the vast number of competing web design firms. Instead, the majority of webmasters rely on automated programs known as bots. These programs are generally configured to crawl the web and extract keywords related to a certain topic, allowing them to identify the best places to optimize your website for maximum visibility.
Unfortunately, although robots can perform a lot of tasks automatically, they cannot rewrite HTML documents or edit source files. Thus, you'll need to manually submit your site to major search engine providers by adding tags to individual pages. These tags must relate to the content contained on each page. The most common ones are h1, h2, h3, p, blockquote, div, etc., but you can also specify links to external sources, meta descriptions, alt attributes, etc.
The best thing to do is enlist the assistance of a competent webmaster who knows how to implement proper keyword optimization techniques. Otherwise, you run the risk of spending hours optimizing your website for search engines only to end up losing readers due to poor navigation structure or outdated imagery. Ultimately, your goal is to generate leads from visitors who land on your landing page via organic searches, not by spamming Google with irrelevant adverts.
You've decided that you want to start an ecommerce store on the internet. You might be thinking about creating a simple personal blog with just some pictures of yourself, perhaps even starting one based around your favorite hobby. Whatever the case may be, if this is something you would like to pursue as a way to promote your brand or maybe reach out to potential customers, then there's no better time than now!
However, while building a website from scratch seems easy enough, especially compared to other types of marketing campaigns, setting up a successful website takes work. There are many different websites available (both paid and free) which will help you get set up quickly but they also come at a cost. This article goes over ten major things you should know before diving into trying to find a professional web host to help you along the way.
Before we dive into the next step, let us take a moment to talk about what kind of budget you have to work within. If you're not sure where to begin, don't worry too much. The majority of people who decide to start their own website choose to go with either Weebly, GoDaddy, or Wordpress. In fact, all three of these services offer free plans so long as you keep certain user metrics under control. However, if you plan on selling products or hosting multiple web pages, then it makes sense to consider paying for a subscription - whether monthly or yearly.
There are several ways to pay for subscriptions, including PayPal, credit cards, bank accounts, and Amazon Payments. These options allow you to set limits on how much you spend per month and prevent anyone else from using your account. For example, if you only wanted to spend $50/month on a service, you could sign up for a PayPal account and link it to your existing card. When someone purchases a product through your site using your PayPal account, it gets charged directly to that card. Of course, this means you'll lose any profits made by those sales because you won't receive them until the end of the billing cycle.
To avoid losing money due to this process, most users opt to use a prepaid debit card instead. With a prepaid debit card, you purchase a card number and PIN code. Once purchased, you can charge whatever amount you wish without having to wait till the end of each billing period. While this option does require you to maintain a separate checking account, it allows you to manage your funds easily via mobile app.
On top of this, some sites actually provide "free" access to their premium features. For instance, when signing up for the popular blogging platform, WordPress, you can select between two tiers of membership. One gives you unlimited storage space for photos and videos and lets you upload content whenever you'd like. The second tier increases both photo and video storage spaces and provides additional templates to customize your page layout. Both are useful additions depending on what type of website you intend to run, however, the first option is cheaper overall.
The bottom line is, regardless of whether you're planning on running a single-page shop or launching a full-on ecommerce venture, you need to think carefully about how much you want to invest in your website. Remember, once you hit the ground running, every penny counts.
While there are plenty of companies offering free website creation tools, we recommend against going down this path unless absolutely necessary. Most of these services are built on proprietary software platforms which limit customization capabilities and increase security risks. Even though most of them are free, it doesn't mean you shouldn't expect a little bit of pain along the way. After all, you've got to learn somewhere right?
Another reason why you should stay away from free website builders is that they often restrict your ability to monetize your site. Some of the best methods of generating revenue include advertising, affiliate programs, and PPC ads. All of these strategies rely on high traffic numbers so if you can't gain significant amounts of traffic, then you won't see success.
For instance, Google AdSense requires publishers to meet specific quality standards. To comply with these requirements, you must have a large audience of unique visitors. However, if you're relying solely on a free website builder, chances are that you won't meet these minimum criteria. On the flip side, you can always try to sell ad space to third parties such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., but again, this comes with its own problems.
Additionally, many free website creators force you to share your analytics data with advertisers. As mentioned above, this isn't ideal since you aren't able to target your ads specifically. Ultimately, most of these restrictions serve to decrease your odds of making money off of your website.
Lastly, many free website hosts make changes to your HTML files without asking for permission. Sometimes these edits cause compatibility issues with various browsers and search engines. If you ever experience any issue with your site after switching providers, you'll be stuck dealing with technical support hours rather than spending them promoting your company.
In short, if you're serious about growing your business online, then you owe it to yourself to put in the effort required to launch a proper website. It's true that you could save a few bucks upfront by choosing a free solution but, in our opinion, it's worth investing in a reliable service provider.
It's important to note that most of the aforementioned websites are designed with beginners in mind. That being said, if you're already familiar with coding languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, CSS, JavaScript, etc., then feel free to skip ahead. Otherwise, follow along below:
1. Sign up for a domain name and register your website address.
2. Upload your logo and images.
3. Enter your contact information and add social media profiles.
4. Choose between a Blogger template, Wix theme, or SquareSpace template.
5. Create your homepage layout.
6. Select a menu system.
7. Add categories.
8. Set up shopping cart functionality.
9. Write articles.
10. Build email lists.
11. Set up automatic backups.
12. Set up a newsletter campaign.
13. Start uploading products.
14. Update your About section.
15. Review your site settings.
16. Test your site.
17. Check out your Analytics dashboard.
18. Launch your website.
19. Promote your website.
20. Optimize your website.
21. Analyze your performance.
22. Improve your SEO strategy.
23. Continue optimizing your website.
24. Keep learning.
25. Repeat...and repeat...and repeat.
26. Profit!
27. Get back to work.
28. Repeat #1.
29. Profit!
Just follow our battle-tested guidelines and rake in the profits.